Toolshed: types : XList

Import XList

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

Import XList from C Module

from Naked.toolshed.c.types import XList

The C module must be compiled before you import it. See the naked build documentation for more information.


The XList class is an extension of the Python list type. You can use all built-in Python list methods with it. It extends the built-in Python list type with operator overloads, metadata definitions on instantiation, preservation of metadata on conversion to other types (with included XList methods), and a number of additional list methods.

The XList supports equality testing based upon both the values of the list items as well as the supplemental XList metadata (if included). You can use the == and != operators to perform this testing (or alternatively, the XList.equals() method).

class Naked.toolshed.types.XList(the_list[, attribute_dictionary])

A XList is instantiated with any Python sequence type, including sets, tuples, and other lists. You have the option to include a Python dictionary as a second parameter to include additional metadata. The metadata are stored as attributes on the XList with dictionary keys mapped to attribute names and dictionary values mapped to the corresponding attribute values.

  • the_list (list) – the data that are used to create an instance of a XList list. This can be of any Python sequence type, including sets, tuples, and other lists.
  • attribute_dictionary (dictionary) – (optional) a Python dictionary that is used to define the attributes of a new instance of a XList. Key names are mapped to attribute names and their corresponding values are mapped to the attribute values.

Overloaded Operators


The + operator is overloaded to extend the XList with one or more other XLists or lists. The XList must be the left sided operand in your statement to use this overloaded operator. When used with a Python list, the XList is extended with the items in the list. When used with another XList, the original XList is extended with the items and the attributes in the other XList. The right sided XList operand attribute values take precendence when the same attribute is included in both XLists.

Parameters:other_lists (list) – one or more Python lists or XList (i.e. can add multiple XLists: xl = xl1 + xl2 + xl3)
Returns:(XList) returns the original XList extended with data in the *other_lists as defined above

The += operator is overloaded to extend the XList with another XList or list. The XList must be the left sided operand in your statement to use this overloaded operator. When used with a Python list, the XList is extended with the items in the list. When used with another XList, the original XList is extended with the items and the attributes in the other XList. The right sided XList operand attribute values take precendence when the same attribute is included in both XLists.

Parameters:other_list (list) – a Python list or XList
Returns:(XList) returns the original XList extended with data in the other_list as defined above

The == operator is overloaded to perform equality testing as defined for the equals() method below.

Returns:(boolean) True = conditions for equality are met; False = conditions for equality are not met

The != operator is overloaded to return the negation of the test for equality as it is defined in the equals() method below.

Returns:(boolean) True = conditions for equality are not met; False = conditions for equality are met

XList Methods

conditional_map_to_items(conditional_func, map_func)

Map a function map_func to items in a XList that meet a True condition in the function, conditional_func. See map_to_items() if you would like to map a function to every item in the list.

  • conditional_func (function) – a function that returns a boolean value where True means that the map_func should be executed on the item
  • map_func (function) – the function that is conditionally executed with the XList item as a parameter. The return value is used as the replacement value in the XList. If the function does not return a value, the item is replaced with None.

(XList) returns a XList with the above modifications


Count the number of duplicate items in the XList. See remove_duplicates() to remove the duplicated items.

Returns:(int) returns the count of duplicate items

Return a set with the items in the XList that are not contained in the parameter test_list. Also see intersection().

Parameters:test_list (list) – a XList or list that is to be tested against
Returns:(set) returns a Python set

The equals() method performs equality testing between a XList and another object. The == operator can also be used to perform this test between the left (XList) and right (other_object) sided operands. Equality testing is defined by meeting the criteria: (1) the type of the XList and the other_object are the same; (2) the list item values in the XList and the other_object are the same; (3) the attribute metadata (if present) are the same in the XList and the other_object.

Parameters:other_object (object) – an object that is to be tested for equality
Returns:(boolean) True = conditions for equality are met; False = conditions for equality are not met

Return a set with the items in XList that are also contained in the parameter test_list. Also see difference().

Parameters:test_list (list) – a XList or list that is to be tested against
Returns:(set) returns a Python set

Joins the string items in a XList with the delimiter string between each XList item and returns a string (or unicode) type.

Parameters:delimiter (string) – the character or string to use as the delimiter between the items in the XList that are joined
Returns:(string) returns a string or unicode type depending upon the types of the XList items, the delimiter character or string, and the Python interpreter version.

Map a function to every item in the XList. To conditionally map a function to XList items (based upon conditions in a second function), see conditional_map_to_items().

Parameters:map_func (function) – the function that will take each item as a parameter and return the value for the replacement in the XList
Returns:item and function dependent type. Items will be assigned a value of None if there is no return value from the function

Returns the maximum item value in the XList. Also see min().

Returns:numeric type, dependent upon the type of the XList items

Returns the minimum item value in the XList. Also see max().

Returns:numeric type, dependent upon the type of the XList items

Appends a character or string suffix to each item in the XList. Also see prefix() and surround().

Parameters:after_string (string) – the character or string to append to each XList item
Returns:(XList) returns a XList with the above modification to each item

Prefixes a character or string to each item in the XList. Also see postfix() and surround().

Parameters:before_string (string) – the character or string to prefix on each item in the XList
Returns:(XList) returns a XList with the above modification to each item

Return a random item from the XList. The random selection is performed with the Python random.choice() method.

Returns:random item from the XList

Return a random sample of items from the XList. Random sampling is performed with the Python random.sample() method. The number of items in the sample is defined with the number_items parameter. Random sampling is performed without replacement.

Parameters:number_items (integer) – the number of items to include in the sample
Returns:(list) returns a Python list containing number_items randomly sampled items from the XList.

Removes the duplicate items in a XList and returns the XList. See count_duplicates() for duplicate counts.

Returns:(XList) returns the modified XList with duplicates removed

Randomly shuffles the position of the items in the XList

Returns:(XList) returns a XList with the above modification

Returns the sum of the item values in the XList. Not defined for non-numeric types.

Returns:numeric type, dependent upon the type of the XList items
surround(first_string[, second_string])

Perform prefix and suffix string concatenation to every item in a XList. Also see prefix() and postfix().

  • first_string (string) – character or string that is concatenated to the beginning of each XList item. If second_string is not specified, this character or string is also concatentated to the end of each XList item.
  • second_string (string) – (optional) optional second character or string parameter that is appended to each XList item. If it is not specified, the first_string is concatenated to the beginning and end of each XList item.

(XList) returns a XList with the above modifications to each item


Match items in the XList by wildcard value and return a list that contains the matched items.

Parameters:wildcard (string) – the wildcard value that is to be used for the match attempt
Returns:(list) Python list containing the matched items. If there are no matched items, an empty list is returned.
Raises:TypeError if the XList contains non-string items

Match items in the XList against more than one wildcard. Items are included in the returned list if they match any of the included wildcards.

Parameters:wildcard_sequence (string) – a sequence of wildcards delimited by the | character (e.g. ‘.py|.pyc’)
Returns:(list) Python list containing the matched items. If there are no matched items, an empty list is returned.
Raises:TypeError if the XList contains non-string items

XList Cast Methods


Cast a XList to a XSet.

Returns:(XSet) returns a XSet with preservation of metadata

Cast a XList to a XFSet.

Returns:(XFSet) returns a XFSet with preservation of metadata

Cast a XList to a XTuple.

Returns:(XTuple) returns a XTuple with preservation of metadata


Create a New Instance of XList, No Metadata

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'])

Create a New Instance of XList, With Metadata

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'listtype': 'orderlist'})

Access XList Item

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'listtype': 'orderlist'})
print(xl[0]) # prints 'first'

Access XList Attribute

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'listtype': 'orderlist'})
print(xl.listtype) # prints 'orderlist'

Compare XList, Different List Items

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
xl2 = XList(['different', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
print(xl == xl2) # prints False

Compare XList, Different Attribute Metadata

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
xl2 = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'another_orderlist'})
print(xl == xl2) # prints False

Extend the XList with Another List

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
a_list = ['fourth', 'fifth']
xl2 = xl + a_list
print(xl2) # prints ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']
print(xl2.type) # prints 'orderlist'

Extend the XList with Another List, Alternate Approach with += Overload

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
a_list = ['fourth', 'fifth']
xl += a_list
print(xl) # prints ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth']
print(xl.type) # prints 'orderlist'

Comma Delimited String from XList

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
cd_string = xl.join(',')
print(cd_string) # prints 'first,second,third'

Wrap with Quotes

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['first', 'second', 'third'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
quote_list = xl.surround('"')
print(quote_list) # prints ['"first"', '"second"', '"third"']

Wrap with HTML Tags

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['paragraph one', 'paragraph two', 'paragraph three'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
tag_list = xl.surround('<p class="naked">', '</p>')
for x in tag_list:

# prints:
#  '<p class="naked">paragraph one</p>'
#  '<p class="naked">paragraph two</p>'
#  '<p class="naked">paragraph three</p>'

Conditional Mapping of a Function to XList Items

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

def true_a(xlist_item):
    return xlist_item.startswith('a')

def cap_val(xlist_item):
    return xlist_item.upper()

xl = XList(['another', 'one', 'many'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
new_list = xl.conditional_map_to_items(true_a, cap_val)
print(new_list)  # prints ['ANOTHER', 'one', 'many']

Multiple Wildcard Match

from Naked.toolshed.types import XList

xl = XList(['one', 'two', 'three'], {'type': 'orderlist'})
print(xl.multi_wildcard_match('o*|*hre*')) # prints ['one', 'three']