Toolshed: system

Import System Module

import Naked.toolshed.system

Import System C Module

import Naked.toolshed.c.system

The C module must be compiled before you import it. See the naked build documentation for more information.


The system module includes functions for file and directory paths, file and directory testing, file extension testing, file listings, file filters, file metadata, and decorators that insert file paths into function and method parameters. It also includes functions for simple printing to the standard output and standard error streams with exit code handling.

File I/O methods are available in the Naked.toolshed.file and Naked.toolshed.c.file modules. Additional information is available in the Toolshed: file documentation.

File and Directory Path Functions


Returns the current working directory path.

Returns:(string) current working directory path

Returns the directory path to the file in file_path.

Parameters:file_path (string) – the absolute or relative file path to a file
Returns:(string) the directory path that contains the file in file_path

Returns the file extension from a file path.

Parameters:file_path (string) – the absolute or relative file path to a file
Returns:(string) the file extension, including the period character

Returns the base filename from an absolute file_path.

Parameters:file_path (string) – the absolute or relative file path to a file
Returns:(string) base file name including the file extension

Returns the absolute path to a file that is in the current working directory, including the basename of the file.

Parameters:file_name (string) – the name of a file in the current working directory
Returns:(string) the absolute path to a file that is in the current working directory

Returns the OS independent file path from path component parameters

Parameters:*path_strings (string) –

tuple of path component strings

from Naked.toolshed.system import make_path

file_path = make_path('user', 'guido', 'python', 'file.txt')
Returns:(string) the OS independent path from the path component parameters in *path_strings

File and Directory Path Examples are available below.

File Path Decorators


Concatenates the absolute working directory path (string) to the basename of a file in the first parameter of the decorated function


Adds the current working directory path (string) as the first parameter of the decorated function


Adds the current working directory (string) as the last parameter of the decorated function

File Path Decorator Examples are available below.

File and Directory Testing Functions


Test for the existence of a directory at the path dir_path. This function confirms that the path is a directory and not a symbolic link or file.

Parameters:dir_path (string) – the path to be tested for the presence of a directory
Returns:(boolean) True = directory exists at dir_path; False = directory does not exist at dir_path

Test for the existence of a file at the path file_path. This function confirms that the path is a file and not a symbolic link or directory.

Parameters:file_path (string) – the path to be tested for the presence of a file
Returns:(boolean) True = file exists at file_path; False = file does not exist at file_path

Test whether a path resolves to an existing file.

Parameters:file_path (string) – the path to be tested for a file
Returns:(boolean) True = the file_path path is a file; False = the file_path path is not a file

Test whether a path resolves to an existing directory.

Parameters:dir_path (string) – the path to be tested for a directory
Returns:(boolean) True = the dir_path path is a directory; False = the dir_path path is not a directory

File and Directory Testing Examples are available below.

File Metadata Functions


Returns the size of the file at file_path in bytes.

Parameters:file_path (string) – the path to the file
Returns:(integer) the size of the file in bytes

Returns the date and time of the last file modification

Parameters:file_path (string) – the path to the file
Returns:(string) The date and time of the last file modification with the format 'Wed Jan 29 23:49:04 2014'.

File Metadata Examples are available below.

File Listings Functions


List all files in the path dir_path.

Parameters:dir_path (string) – the directory path containing the files of interest
Returns:(list) Python list with each file path in dir_path mapped to a list item

List all files in the current working directory.

Returns:(list) Python list with each file path in the current working directory mapped to a list item
Naked.toolshed.system.list_filter_files(extension_filter, dir_path)

List all files in the path dir_path that match the file extension filter extension_filter. Takes a file extension with or without the associated period character (e.g. .py or py).

  • extension_filter (string) – the file extension filter to be used for file selection
  • dir_path (string) – the directory path containing the files of interest

(list) Python list with each matching file path in dir_path mapped to a list item


List all files in the current working directory that match the file extension filter extension_filter. Takes a file extension with or without the associated period character (e.g. .py or py).

Parameters:extension_filter (string) – the file extension filter to be used for file selection
Returns:(list) Python list with each matching file path in current working directory mapped to a list item

List all files that match a wildcard match_pattern parameter.

Parameters:match_pattern (string) – the wildcard match pattern (e.g. '/test/*.py')
Returns:(list) Python list with each matching file path mapped to a list item

File Listings Examples are available below.

Directory Write Function


Writes a new directory path to disk if it does not already exist. This function does not overwrite an existing directory path. Will perform a recursive directory tree write for multi-level directory structures. Returns True if the directory write is successful. Returns False if the directory write does not occur (e.g. requested directory already exists).

Parameters:directory_path (string) – the directory path to be written to disk
Returns:(boolean) True = successful directory path write; False = unsuccessful directory path write

Directory Write Examples are available below.

Data Stream Functions


Print the text string to the standard output stream with a newline character appended to the text string. Identical to the Python print() function.

Parameters:text (string) – the string that will be printed to the standard output stream

Print the items in an iterable object (iter) to the standard output stream with a newline after each item.

Parameters:iter (object) – An iterable object type in which all of the iterable items provide support for either the __str__ or __repr__ functions.

Print the items in an iterable object (iter) to the standard output stream without a newline character after each item. This prints the items in sequence on the same line of output.

Parameters:iter (object) – An iterable object type in which all of the iterable items provide support for either the __str__ or __repr__ functions.

Print the text string to the standard output stream without a newline character appended to the text string.

Parameters:text (string) – the string that will be printed to the standard output stream
Naked.toolshed.system.stderr(text[, exit])

Print the text string to the standard error stream with an optional non-zero exit status code. A newline character is appended to the text string. For non-zero exit integers, SystemExit() is raised with the exit status code. SystemExit() is not raised by default (or if exit is assigned a value of 0).

  • text (string) – the string that will be printed to the standard error stream
  • exit (integer) – (optional) the exit status code
Naked.toolshed.system.stderr_xnl(text[, exit])

Print the text string to the standard error stream with an optional non-zero exit status code. This function does not append a newline character to the end of the text string before printing it to the standard error stream. If the exit status code is changed to a non-zero integer, SystemExit() is raised with the exit status code. SystemExit() is not raised by default (or if exit is assigned a value of 0).

  • text (string) – the string that will be printed to the standard error stream
  • exit (integer) – (optional) the exit status code

Data Stream Examples are available below.

Application Exit Functions


Exit the application with exit status code 1.


Exit the application with exit status code 0.


Exit the application with exit status code exit_code.

Parameters:exit_code (integer) – the exit status code. By default, an exit status code of 0 is used.

Application Exit Examples are available below.

File and Directory Path Examples

Current Working Directory

from Naked.toolshed.system import cwd

curr_dir = cwd()

Make OS Independent Path String

from Naked.toolshed.system import make_path

file_path = make_path('path', 'to', 'test.txt')
print(file_path) # prints path with OS dependent path delimiters

Directory Path to File

from Naked.toolshed.system import directory, make_path

filepath = make_path('path', 'to', 'test.txt')
dir_path = directory(dir_path)
print(dir_path) # prints '/path/to/' with OS dependent delimiters

File Extension

from Naked.toolshed.system import file_extension, make_path

file_path = make_path('path', 'to', 'test.txt')
extension = file_extension(file_path)
print(extension) # prints '.txt'


from Naked.toolshed.system import filename, make_path

file_path = make_path('path', 'to', 'test.txt')
file_name = filename(file_path)
print(file_name) # prints 'test.txt'

Absolute File Path

from Naked.toolshed.system import fullpath, make_path

# file /usr/c/test/test.txt & current working directory is /usr/c/test/
absolute_path = fullpath('test.txt')
print(absolute_path) # prints '/usr/c/test/test.txt' with OS dependent delimiters

File Path Decorator Examples

Current Working Directory Path Concatenation to First Parameter

from Naked.toolshed.system import currentdir_to_basefile

def tester(path):

# when run as tester('test.txt') from /usr/c/test/, prints '/usr/c/test/test.txt' with OS dependent delimiters

Current Working Directory Path as First Parameter

from Naked.toolshed.system import currentdir_firstparam

def tester(path=''):

# when run as tester() from /usr/c/test/, prints '/usr/c/test/' with OS dependent delimiters

Current Working Directory Path as Last Parameter

from Naked.toolshed.system import currentdir_lastparam

def tester(file_name, dir_path=''):
    print(dir_path + file_name)

# when run as tester('test.txt') from /usr/c/test/, prints '/usr/c/test/test.txt' with OS dependent delimiters

File and Directory Testing Examples

Directory Testing

from Naked.toolshed.system import dir_exists, make_path

# /usr/c/test does exist

dir_path = make_path('usr', 'c', 'test')
if dir_exists(dir_path):
    print('yep')  # prints 'yep'

File Testing

from Naked.toolshed.system import file_exists, make_path

# /usr/c/test/test.txt exists

file_path = make_path('usr', 'c', 'test', 'test.txt')
if file_exists('/usr/c/test/test.txt'):
    print('yep') # prints yep

File Metadata Examples

File Size

from Naked.toolshed.system import file_size

size = file_size('test.txt')
print(size) # prints size of 'test.txt' in current working directory in bytes

File Modification Time and Date

from Naked.toolshed.system import file_mod_time

m_time = file_mod_time('test.txt')
print(m_time) # prints 'Wed Jan 29 23:49:04 2014'

File Listings Examples

For the following examples, the test directory contains the files: ‘test.txt’, ‘’, and ‘rbtest.rb’

All Files in Current Working Directory

from Naked.toolshed.system import list_all_files_cwd

file_list = list_all_files_cwd()
for x in file_list:

# prints:
#   test.txt
#   rbtest.rb

All Files in Target Directory

from Naked.toolshed.system import list_all_files

dir_path = make_path('path', 'to', 'test')
file_list = list_all_files(dir_path)
for x in file_list:

# prints:
#   test.txt
#   rbtest.rb

Filter Files by File Extension in Current Working Directory

from Naked.toolshed.system import list_filter_files_cwd

file_list = list_filter_files_cwd('.py')
for x in file_list:

# prints:

Filter Files by Wildcard

from Naked.toolshed.system import list_match_pattern

file_list = list_match_pattern('./*.py')
for x in file_list:

# prints:

Directory Write Examples

Make Directory When it Does Not Exist

from Naked.toolshed.system import make_dirs

if make_dirs('test'):
    print('success') # prints 'success'

Make Directory When it Does Exist

from Naked.toolshed.system import make_dirs

if make_dirs('test'):
    print('fail') # prints 'fail'

Data Stream Examples

Standard Output Stream Write, With Newline

from Naked.toolshed.system import stdout

stdout('This is a test string')

# prints 'This is a test string\n' to standard output with OS dependent newline character(s)

Standard Output Stream Write, Without Newline

from Naked.toolshed.system import stdout_xnl

stdout_xnl('This is a test string')

# prints 'This is a test string' to standard output

Standard Output Stream Write with Iterable Object, With Newline

from Naked.toolshed.system import stdout_iter

the_list = ['test', 'this', 'string']

# prints to standard output:
#   test
#   this
#   string

Standard Output Stream Write with Iterable Object, Without Newline

from Naked.toolshed.system import stdout_iter_xnl

the_list = ['1', ' ' , '2', ' ' , '3']

# prints '1 2 3' to standard output

Standard Error Stream Write, With Newline, with Exit Status Code 1

from Naked.toolshed.system import stderr

stderr("Um, that was an error.", 1)

# prints 'Um, that was an error.\n' to standard output with OS dependent newline character(s) and raises SystemExit(1)

Standard Error Stream Write, Without Newline, Without SystemExit

from Naked.toolshed.system import stderr_xnl

stderr_xnl("Um, that was an error.")

# prints 'Um, that was an error' to standard error and does not raise SystemExit()

Application Exit Examples

Exit with Zero Status Code

from Naked.toolshed.system import exit_success

# successful code here
exit_success() # raises SystemExit(0)

Exit with Status Code 1

from Naked.toolshed.system import exit_failure

# failing code here
exit_failure() # raises SystemExit(1)

Exit with Any Status Code

from Naked.toolshed.system import exit_with_status

# failing code here
exit_with_status(10) # raises SystemExit(10)