Toolshed: benchmarking

Import Benchmarking Module

import Naked.toolshed.benchmarking

Import Benchmarking C Module

import Naked.toolshed.c.benchmarking

The C module must be compiled before you import it. See the naked build documentation for more information.


The benchmarking module provides decorators for timed method and function testing. The timer decorators perform timed runs of a method or function over a specified number of repetitions. The timer_trials_benchmark decorators perform multiple timed trials of a method or function (over a specified number of repetitions per trial) and run an arbitrary timed Python method as a benchmark in sequence with the function or method tests.

The Python method that is used as a benchmark is an append of 10 integers to a Python list:

for j in range(repetitions):
    for i in range(10):

This is run over the same number of repetitions that the test method or function is run. Garbage collection is discontinued during all tests performed in this module.

The total duration of the timed run is displayed in the timer report.

The duration for each of the 10 trials, the mean duration across the 10 trials (with standard deviation if NumPy is installed), the duration per function or method run, the duration of the benchmark Python method, and a ratio of the duration of the test method or function to the benchmark Python method are displayed in the timer_trials_benchmark report.

The default timer() and timer_trials_benchmark() decorators perform 100,000 repetitions of the test method or function. Other decorators are available for between 10 and 1 million repetitions.





100,000 repetitions of the decorated function or method


10 repetitions of the decorated function or method


100 repetitions of the decorated function or method


1,000 repetitions of the decorated function or method


10,000 repetitions of the decorated function or method


1 million repetitions of the decorated function or method


10 trials x 100,000 repetitions of the decorated function or method; 100,000 repetitions of the standard Python function


10 trials x 10 repetitions of the decorated function or method; 10 repetitions of the standard Python function


10 trials x 100 repetitions of the decorated function or method; 100 repetitions of the standard Python function


10 trials x 1,000 repetitions of the decorated function or method; 1,000 repetitions of the standard Python function


10 trials x 10,000 repetitions of the decorated function or method; 10,000 repetitions of the standard Python function


10 trials x 1 million repetitions of the decorated function or method; 1 million repetitions of the standard Python function


Timer Tests

from Naked.toolshed.benchmarking import timer

def test_func():
    test_list = []
    for x in range(100):

Example Result:

Starting 100000 repetitions of test_func()...
100000 repetitions of test_func : 1.12108016014 sec

Benchmark Timer Tests

from Naked.toolshed.benchmarking import timer_trials_benchmark

def test_func():
    test_list = []
    for x in range(100):

Example Result:

Starting timed trials of test_func()..........
Trial 1:    1.12006998062
Trial 2:    1.09371995926
Trial 3:    1.09064292908
Trial 4:    1.09283995628
Trial 5:    1.09147787094
Trial 6:    1.1042740345
Trial 7:    1.10318899155
Trial 8:    1.10284495354
Trial 9:    1.10802388191
Trial 10:   1.10440087318
Mean for 100000 repetitions: 1.10114834309 sec
Standard Deviation: 0.00872229881241
Mean per repetition: 1.10114834309e-05 sec
Mean for 100000 of benchmark function:0.131036162376 sec
Ratio: 8.4033927972