The Toolshed Library Overview

The toolshed library includes standard Python modules and C source files that can be compiled into binaries which Python will import with the standard dot syntax. The C source code is compiled with the naked build command (Build Command Documentation).

The library includes the following modules:

Benchmarking Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.benchmarking

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.benchmarking

The benchmarking module includes decorators for timed testing of methods and functions over 10 - 1 million repetitions. This includes a decorator that runs a benchmark built-in Python method in sequence with your function or method for comparison.

Documentation: Toolshed: benchmarking

Casts Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.casts

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.casts

The casts module includes functions that cast built-in Python types to Naked type extensions. This allows you to use the same type casting syntax that Python uses for the built-in types (e.g. the Python str() is xstr() for the Naked XString() type).

Documentation: coming soon...

File Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.file

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.file

The file module includes FileWriter and FileReader classes that perform I/O, including simple UTF-8 encoded reads and writes.

Documentation: Toolshed: file

Ink Module

Standard Module Import:

C Module Import:

The ink module includes text template and renderer classes to perform flexible text templating with the replacement tag syntax of your choice. A Python dictionary is used to map replacement strings to the replacement tags.

Documentation: Toolshed: ink

Network Module

Standard Module Import:

C Module Import:

The network module includes the HTTP class for simple GET and POST requests with text or binary data. It also supports simple text and binary file writes from GET or POST requests.

Documentation: Toolshed: network

Python Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.python

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.python

The python module includes Python interpreter version testing functions.

Documentation: Toolshed: python

Shell Module

Standard Module Import:

C Module Import:

The shell module includes external system, Ruby, & Node.js subprocess execution methods and environment variable testing methods.

Documentation: Toolshed: shell

State Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.state

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.cstate

The state (and cstate C module - note the change in the naming convention for this module) include the StateObject, an object that automatically generates operating system, user and working directory, Python interpreter, time, & date data on instantiation.

Documentation: Toolshed: state

System Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.system

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.system

The system module includes functions for file and directory paths, file and directory testing, file extension testing, file listings, file filters, file metadata, and decorators that insert file paths into function and method parameters. It also includes functions for simple printing to the standard output and standard error streams with exit code handling.

Documentation: Toolshed: system

Types Module

Standard Module Import: Naked.toolshed.types

C Module Import: Naked.toolshed.c.types

The types module includes extensions to built-in Python dictionary, list, set, frozenset, tuple, heapq, deque, and string classes. These extensions permit assignment of attributes to both mutable and immutable Python types with dictionary key to attribute name mapping in the constructor. Dictionary values are mapped to the attribute value. New methods for use with these common Python types are also available.
