Toolshed: types : XDict

Import XDict

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

Import XDict from C Module

from Naked.toolshed.c.types import XDict

The C module must be compiled before you import it. See the naked build documentation for more information.


The XDict class is an extension of the Python dictionary type. You can use all built-in Python dictionary methods with it. It extends the built-in Python dictionary type with operator overloads, metadata definitions on instantiation, preservation of metadata on conversion to other types (with included XDict methods), and a number of additional dictionary methods.

The XDict supports equality testing based upon both the dictionary data as well as the supplemental metadata (if included). You can use the == and != operators to perform this testing (or alternatively, the XDict.equals() method).

class Naked.toolshed.types.XDict(the_dictionary[, attribute_dictionary])

A XDict is instantiated with a Python dictionary. You have the option to include a second Python dictionary to include additional metadata. The metadata are stored as attributes on the XDict with dictionary keys mapped to attribute names and dictionary values mapped to the corresponding attribute values.

  • the_dictionary (dictionary) – the data that are used to create an instance of a XDict dictionary.
  • attribute_dictionary (dictionary) – (optional) a Python dictionary that is used to define the attributes of a new instance of a XDict. Key names are mapped to attribute names and their corresponding values are mapped to the attribute values.

Overloaded Operators


The + operator is overloaded to update the XDict with new key:value pairs from a Python dictionary or another XDict. An XDict must be the left sided operand in this statement as standard Python dictionaries do not support this form of dictionary combination. When used with a Python dictionary, the key:value pairs in the Python dictionary are added to the XDict dictionary. When used with another XDict, the key:value pairs from the XDict parameter are defined in the XDict dictionary and the attributes from the XDict parameter are defined in the XDict. The parameter dictionary definitions take precedence for key:value and attributes on the returned XDict when both objects contain the same dictionary key or attribute name.

Parameters:other_dictionary (dictionary) – a Python dictionary or XDict
Returns:(XDict) returns the original XDict updated with data in the other_dictionary as defined above

The += operator is overloaded to update the XDict operand on the left side of the operator with the Python dictionary or XDict on the right side of the operator. The update takes place as defined in the description of the __add__() method above.

Returns:(XDict) returns a XDict that is updated with the data in the right sided operand.

The == operator is overloaded to perform equality testing as defined for the equals() method below.

Returns:(boolean) True = conditions for equality are met; False = conditions for equality are not met

The != operator is overloaded to return the negation of the test for equality as it is defined in the equals() method below.

Returns:(boolean) True = conditions for equality are not met; False = conditions for equality are met

Key Methods


Returns the set of dictionary keys in the XDict that are not included in the other_dictionary parameter.

Parameters:other_dictionary (dictionary) – a Python dictionary or XDict
Returns:(set) Returns a set of dictionary key strings that meet this definition. Returns an empty set if there are no keys that meet the definition.

Returns the set of dictionary keys in the XDict that are also included in the other_dictionary parameter.

Parameters:other_dictionary (dictionary) – a Python dictionary or XDict
Returns:(set) Returns a set of dictionary key strings tha meet this definition. Returns an empty set if there are no keys that meet the definition.

Returns a XList containing the keys in the XDict with preservation of the XDict attribute metadata in the returned XList.

Returns:(XList) returns a XList that contains the XDict keys mapped to list items. The attribute data in the XDict is preserved in the returned XList.

Value Methods

conditional_map_to_vals(conditional_func, map_func)

Map a function parameter map_func to every XDict value that has a key that returns True when the key is passed as a parameter to the conditional_func function. Every XDict key is tested in the conditional_func.

  • conditional_func (function) – a function that accepts a XDict key as the first parameter and returns a boolean value. When the returned value is True, the value associated with this key is passed as the first parameter to the map_func.
  • map_func (function) – a function that accepts a XDict value as the first parameter and returns the object that will be used to update the value definition for the key in the returned XDict.

(XDict) returns the XDict with values that are updated as defined by the conditional_func and map_func processing. If the map_func does not return a value, the associated key is defined with None. If you intend to maintain the original value, return the value that was passed as the parameter to the function.


Maps a function parameter map_func to every value in the XDict. Every value in the XDict is passed to this function.

Parameters:map_func (function) – a function that accepts a XDict value and returns the object that will be used to update the value definition for the key in the returned XDict
Returns:(XDict) returns the XDict with values that are updated as defined by the returned values from the map_func. If the map_func does not return a value, the associated key is defined with None. If you intend to maintain the original value, return the value that was passed as the parameter to the function.

Returns a 2-item tuple containing the maximum value and associated key as defined by the Python built-in max() function.

Returns:(tuple) returns a 2-item tuple that includes (max value, key). The maximum numeric value is returned for numeric types. The value at the top of the reverse alphabetic order is returned for strings. For other types, the returned value is defined by the Python built-in max() function (if supported).

Returns a 2-item tuple containing the minimum value and associated key as defined by the Python built-in min() function.

Returns:(tuple) returns a 2-item tuple that includes (min value, key). The minimum numeric value is returned for numeric types. The value at the top of the alphabetic order is returned for strings. For other types, the returned value is as defined for the Python built-in max() function (if supported).

Returns the sum of the values as determined by the Python built-in sum() function.

Returns:(numeric) returns the sum as a numeric type defined by the input types
Raises:TypeError for unsupported operand types encountered as values in the XDict

Returns the count of the_value values in the XDict. Values are counted if they meet the criterion XDict()[key] == the_value.

Parameters:the_value (object) – the value type and definition to be counted in the XDict
Returns:(integer) returns the count of the_value in the XDict as an integer.

Returns the count of a case-insensitive test for the_value string in the XDict values. This method can be used with XDict that include value types that do not support the string.lower() method that is used in the case-insensitive testing.

Parameters:the_value (string) – the string value that is to be used for a case-insensitive count across all XDict values
Returns:(integer) returns the count of strings that match the_value in a case-insensitive test.

Returns a XList that contains the XDict values mapped to list items.

Returns:(XList) returns a XList that contains XDict values that are mapped to list items. Any attribute metadata from the original XDict is maintained in the returned XList.

Other Methods


The equals() method performs equality testing between a XDict and another object. The == operator can also be used to perform this test between the left (XDict) and right (other_object) sided operands. Equality testing is defined by meeting the criteria: (1) the type of the XDict and the other_object are the same; (2) the dictionary keys and values are the same in the XDict and the other_object; (3) the attribute metadata (if present) are the same in the XDict and the other_object.

Parameters:other_object (object) – an object that is to be tested for equality
Returns:(boolean) True = conditions for equality are met; False = conditions for equality are not met

Returns a single, random key:value pair as a Python dictionary. The random pair is identified with the Python random.sample() method.

Returns:(dictionary) a Python dictionary that contains a single key:value pair

Returns number random key:value pair(s) in a Python dictionary. The random pairs are identified with the Python random.sample() method. The random sampling is performed without replacement.

Parameters:number (integer) – the number of random key:value pairs to return
Returns:(dictionary) a Python dictionary that contains number key:value pairs

A generator that yields 2-item tuples of key:value pairs from the XDict. This utilizes the dict.iteritems() generator when the Python 2 interpreter is used and the dict.items() generator when the Python 3 interpreter is used.

Returns:(tuple) yields a 2-item tuple (key, value) on each iteration. Iteration ends when all XDict key:value pairs have been returned.

Return the type of the XDict object.

Returns:(type) returns the type of the XDict


Create a New Instance of XDict, No Metadata

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'})

Create a New Instance of XDict, With Metadata

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})

Access XDict Value

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
print(xd['name']) # prints 'Guido'
print(xd['language']) # prints 'python'

Access XDict Attribute

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
print(xd.dict_type) # prints 'dev'

Compare XDict, Different Dictionaries

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd1 = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
xd2 = XDict({'name': 'Yukihiro', 'language': 'ruby'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
print(xd1 == xd2) # prints False
print(xd != xd2) # prints True

Compare XDict, Different Attributes

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd1 = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
xd2 = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'rating': 1})
print(xd1 == xd2) # prints False
print(xd != xd2) # prints True

Update XDict with Dictionary

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
py_dict = {'year': 1991}
xd_with_year = xd + py_dict
print(xd_with_year) # prints {'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python', 'year': 1991}
print(xd.dict_type) # prints 'dev'

Update XDict with XDict

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd1 = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
xd2 = XDict({'year': 1991}, {'includes': 'year'})
xd3 = xd1 + xd2
print(xd3) # prints {'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python', 'year': 1991}
print(xd3.dict_type) # prints 'dev'
print(xd3.includes) # prints 'year'

Update XDict with XDict, Alternate Approach with += Overload

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd1 = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
xd2 = XDict({'year': 1991}, {'includes': 'year'})
xd1 += xd2
print(xd1) # prints {'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python', 'year': 1991}
print(xd1.dict_type) # prints 'dev'
print(xd1.includes) # prints 'year'

Make XList from XDict Keys

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
xl = xd.key_xlist()
print(xl) # prints ['name', 'language']
print(xl.dict_type) # prints 'dev'

Make XList from XDict Values

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

xd = XDict({'name': 'Guido', 'language': 'python'}, {'dict_type': 'dev'})
xl = xd.val_xlist()
print(xl) # prints ['Guido', 'python']
print(xl.dict_type) # prints 'dev'

Conditional Mapping of a Function to XDict Values

from Naked.toolshed.types import XDict

def spam_corrector(the_argument):
    if the_argument == 'eggs':
        return 'eggs'

def comp_detector(the_argument):
    if the_argument == 'complements':
        return True
        return False

xd = XDict({'food': 'spam', 'complements': 'sausage'})
xd = xd.conditional_map_to_vals(comp_detector, spam_corrector)
print(xd) # prints {'food': 'spam', 'complements': 'eggs'}