Toolshed: file

Import File Module

import Naked.toolshed.file

Import File C Module

import Naked.toolshed.c.file

The C module must be compiled before you import it. See the naked build documentation for more information.


The file module includes the FileReader and FileWriter classes. These classes include a number of file I/O methods.


class Naked.toolshed.file.FileReader(file_path)

The FileReader class is used for local file reads. By default, the methods that deal with text return NFKD normalized UTF-8 encoded strings. In Python 2, these are of the type unicode, and in Python 3 they are of the type string. It is not necessary to close the file streams after you use these methods.

Parameters:file_path (string) – The path to the file.

Reads a text file with NFKD normalized UTF-8 string encoding. Returns a unicode string in Python 2 and a string in Python 3.

Returns:Python 3 string, Python 2 unicode

Reads a text file with a specified text encoding type. Use a Python codecs encoding type as the method argument (encoding).

Parameters:encoding (string) – the Python codecs encoding type for the file text
Returns:encoding specific Python string type
Raises:RuntimeError – if encoding is not specified

Reads a binary file and returns a bytes string.

Returns:bytes string

Reads a gzip compressed file and returns a bytes string. The encoding parameter is optional. Include the parameter if the compressed file is Unicode text file and the method will attempt to decompress and read the file as a NFKD normalized UTF-8 encoded bytes string.

Parameters:encoding (string) – accepts an optional ‘utf-8’ string parameter if the compressed file is a UTF-8 encoded text file
Returns:bytes string

Reads a text file by line with NFKD normalized UTF-8 encoding and returns a Python list containing each line of the file mapped to a list item. In Python 2, the lines are of the type unicode and in Python 3 the lines are of the type string.

Returns:Python list with each line in the file mapped to a list item. List items are unicode in Python 2 and string in Python 3

Reads a text file by line with a specified text encoding type. Returns a Python list containing each line of the file mapped to a list item. Use a Python codecs encoding type as the method argument (encoding). The list item types are dependent upon the encoding type that is passed as the parameter.

Parameters:encoding (string) – the Python codecs encoding type for the file text
Returns:encoding specific Python string type
class Naked.toolshed.file.FileWriter(file_path)

The FileWriter class is used for local file writes. It is not necessary to close the file streams after you use these methods.

Parameters:file_path (string) – The path to the file.

Append text to an existing text file at file_path. The existence of the file at file_path is confirmed before the write. If it does not exist, an IOError is raised. If the text string includes Unicode characters, the append method attempts to encode this as NFKD normalized UTF-8 text prior to the append.

Parameters:text (string) – The text to be appended to the existing file string. Unicode encoded strings are acceptable.
Raises:IOError – if the file located at the file_path parameter does not exist.
gzip(data[, compression_level=6])

Perform gzip compression of data with the zlib library and write to a file at file_path. The default compression level is 6 (integer range 0 - 9) in order to balance compression level and speed. In most use cases, this approaches maximal compression with a significant reduction in the duration of time necessary to compress the data for the file write compared with the maximal compression setting. Add a compression_level parameter to change this setting.

  • data (string|bytes) – the string or bytes string to compress and write to the file at file_path.
  • compression_level (integer) – the integer value for the compression level. Range is 0=none to 9=maximal.

If the file_path string does not include it, .gz is added as the file extension to the file_path string.


Write text to a text file at file_path if file_path does not already exist. This method will not overwrite an existing file at the file_path. Use the write() method to permit overwrites. This method uses the system default encoding. If the text string includes Unicode text, the method will attempt to write with NFKD normalized UTF-8 encoding.

Parameters:text (string) – The text to be written to the file at file_path.
Returns:boolean for file write. True = new file write occurred; False = file exists and file write did not occur

Write data to a binary file at file_path if file_path does not already exist. This method will not overwrite an existing file at file_path. Use the write_bin() method to permit overwrites.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to be written to the file at file_path.
Returns:boolean for file write. True = new file write occurred; False = file exists and file write did not occur

Write text to a text file with the system default encoding. The write method will attempt to write with NFKD normalized UTF-8 encoding if the text string includes Unicode text.

Parameters:text (string) – The text to be written to the file at file_path.
write_as(text, encoding)

Write text to a text file with the specified encoding type. Use a Python codecs encoding type as the second parameter to the method.

  • text (string) – the text that is to be written to the file at file_path.
  • encoding (string) – the Python codecs string encoding type

RuntimeError – if encoding is not specified


Write data to a binary file at file_path.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to be written to the file at file_path.


Create an Instance of a FileReader

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileReader

fr = FileReader('textdir/file.txt')

Create an Instance of a FileWriter

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/file.txt')

File Read with ASCII Text

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileReader

fr = FileReader('textdir/file.txt')
the_text =

File Write with ASCII Text

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/file.txt')
text = "A test string"

File Read with UTF-8 Encoded Unicode Text

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileReader

fr = FileReader('textdir/unicode.txt')
u_txt =

u_txt is type unicode in Python 2 and type string in Python 3.

File Write with UTF-8 Encoded Unicode Text, Python 2

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/unicode.txt')
u_txt = u'Here are some Tibetan characters ༄ དྷ'

File Write with UTF-8 Encoded Unicode Text, Python 3

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/unicode.txt')
u_txt = 'Here are some Tibetan characters ༄ དྷ'

File Append with ASCII Text

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/existingfile.txt')
text = 'And here is some more text for my file.'

File Append with UTF-8 Encoded Unicode Text, Python 2

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/existingfile.txt')
u_txt = u'Here are some Tibetan characters ༄ དྷ'

File Append with UTF-8 Encoded Unicode Text, Python 3

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/existingfile.txt')
u_txt = 'Here are some Tibetan characters ༄ དྷ'

Safe Write Text to a New File (Prevents File Overwrites)

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('textdir/file.txt')
text = 'And here is some more text for my file.'
if fw.safe_write(text):
    # file write occurred
    # file exists and write did not occur

File Read with Binary Data

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileReader

fr = FileReader('bindir/')
data = fr.read_bin()

File Write with Binary Data

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter, FileReader

fr = FileReader('bindir/')
fw = FileWriter('otherbindir/')
data = fr.read_bin()

Safe Write Binary Data to a New File (Prevents File Overwrites)

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter, FileReader

fw = FileWriter('bindir/')
fr = FileReader('otherbindir/')
data = fr.read_bin()
if fw.safe_write_bin(data):
    # file write occurred
    # file exists and write did not occur

gzip Compression and File Write

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter

fw = FileWriter('bindir/index.html.gz')
text = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body>Hi there, this is a test</body></html>'

Read gzip Compressed Data from File

from Naked.toolshed.file import FileReader

fr = FileReader('bindir/index.html.gz', encoding='utf-8')
data = fr.read_gzip()